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Governing Board Selects Dr. Jeffrey P. Nasse as New PCC Chancellor

Title IX & Sexual Harassment

Dear PCC Community –

If you are a student, 并受到性别或性别歧视的影响, harassment, or assault, please contact Title IX staff to schedule a phone, virtual, or in-person appointment:

If you are an employee, 受到性别或基于性别的歧视的影响, harassment, or assault, please contact Title IX staff to schedule a phone, virtual or in-person appointment:

What is Title IX?

第九条是一项联邦民权法,禁止在接受联邦资助的教育机构的任何项目或活动中基于性别的歧视, including Pima. Under Title IX, no student can be excluded from participating in, denied the benefits of, 或在任何PCC计划或活动中受到基于其性别或性别的歧视. 

The U.S. 教育部民权办公室负责管理和执行教育法第九条.

PCC's Discrimination and Harassment Policy

Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Policy

皮马社区学院(“学院”)致力于提供教育, workplace, 公共环境不受非法歧视和骚扰, including on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, sex, age, disability or perceived disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, military or veteran status, 或受适用的联邦或州法律保护的任何其他特征. 学院在其教育计划和服务中不会基于上述任何基础进行歧视, hiring and employment, or any other opportunities and services it provides. 学院同样不容忍非法骚扰, including sexual harassment and sexual misconduct, in any College programs or activities, on College property, 或在学院拥有或控制的任何设施内使用.

根据1972年教育修正案第九条(以下简称“第九条”), 学院致力于维护一个安全和非歧视的教育环境, 在教育项目和服务中不存在非法性或基于性别的歧视和骚扰, and to responding to Title IX complaints in prompt, neutral, thorough, and effective manner.

Moreover, 学院禁止对举报歧视或骚扰的个人进行非法报复, assist another in reporting a complaint, 或以其他方式参与有关非法歧视或骚扰投诉的调查或解决过程, including, but not limited to, Title IX complaints, investigations, and processes.

PCC's Title IX Coordinator

David Parker
Director, Enterprise Risk Management and Compliance
Title IX Coordinator
[email protected]

第九章由第九章办公室管理,该办公室位于PCC的地区办事处,4905e. Broadway, Tucson, AZ.

Deputy Title IX Coordinators for Students:

Diane Deskin
(520) 206-7120
[email protected]

Staci Shea
Title IX and Student Conduct
[email protected]

Dr. Suzanne Desjardin
Title IX Coordinator
(520) 206-3150
[email protected]

Email: [email protected]

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Employees:

David Rucker
Human Resources, Employee Relations
[email protected]

How to File a Complaint


匿名投诉可通过网上表格或热线提出.  虽然他们被接受,这种类型的投诉可能会影响报告和解决.

Student Complaint Liaisons 每个校区的学生都可以在报告过程中提供帮助吗.

PCC非常重视有关性别歧视或骚扰的投诉,并鼓励所有认为自己因性别或性别而受到歧视或骚扰的学生向学院寻求帮助. However, 学生不需要在向美国大学投诉之前向学院提交第九条投诉.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights. The contact information for OCR is:

U.S. Dept. of Education - Office for Civil Rights
[email protected]

Reporting a Title IX Incident

the College’s Title IX Office or to Campus Police. Not all reports will result in a formal
investigation. However, all reports must be reviewed and addressed.

Investigating and Addressing Complaints

第九条投诉将通过调查程序处理. 投诉通常可以通过正式或非正式的方式解决. 第九条协调员发起关于投诉的事实调查. 投诉双方都有平等的机会提供资料, identify witnesses, have the support of an advisor, and provide information regarding allegations.


第九条小组的所有成员(第九条协调员), Investigators, Decision-makers, 和顾问)每年接受以下主题的培训:

  1. the definition of sexual harassment in § 106.30,
  2. the scope of the PCCs education program or activity
  3. 相关问题,包括如何适用强奸保护条款
  4. 申诉程序包括听证、上诉和非正式解决程序
  5. how to serve impartially, 包括避免对争议事实的预先判断, conflicts of interest, and bias


  1. 如何使用第九条通知和沟通模板

In addition, Decision-makers receive training on:

  1. The technology to be used at a live hearing
  2. Issues of relevance of questions and evidence, 包括当有关投诉人性倾向或先前性行为的问题和证据与本案无关时

In addition, Investigators receive training on:

  1. 相关的问题,以创建一个调查报告,公平总结相关证据, 如本条第(b)(5)(vii)段所述
  2. How to conduct a fair and neutral investigation

In addition, Advisors receive training on:

  1. 第九条顾问的角色以及他们如何为被顾问服务

用于培训第九条团队成员(第九条协调员)的所有材料, Investigators, Decision-makers, and Advisors)

  1. do not rely on sex stereotypes, 促进对性骚扰的正式投诉进行公正的调查和裁决

Title IX FAQs

Title IX Resources

Pregnant and Parenting Student FAQs

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